Thursday, May 19, 2011

Renzulli Giftedness Chart

This morning at Enrich, we did a workshop about Renzulli's giftedness chart.  It is a diagram about giftedness and if a person is gifted or not.  It has three circles all linked together and each circle has something that Renzulli thinks you need to be gifted.  These things are: above average ability, task commitment and creativity.  We read some examples of different people and had to decide if they were gifted or not  For example:  Tim loved making designs for go-karts and he could measure and work out ratios easily. But when he tried to create his go-karts he gave up halfway.  Is Tim gifted?  If you think you know the answer, please comment on this post.  You can look at the diagram for clues.

Talent Development

Yesterday we got to choose what talent development topic we wanted.  The choices were out of ICT, Art or Nature Science.  I chose ICT.  For ICT we looked at programming computer programmes like Alice, Scratch and LEGO Mindstorms.  We watched a video about each one and said what we know and what we don't know about each one.  Alice and Scratch are computer programs but Mindstorms is LEGO.  In Mindstorms you create a Lego robot with pieces that allow your robot to use their five senses. You can make them do really cool things such as sorting out different colours.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Keynote with Darryn

Today I did a keynote workshop with Darryn.  At the workshop we learned how to use keynote.  Keynote is a computer programme that is used to create slideshows for presentations.  We have to learn how to use it because we will have to use it to present our ideas for passion projects.  We learned how to add pictures, text and new slides to a keynote. Here is an example of a practice Keynote presentation that I did at the workshop.